“My Shadow” by Robert Louis Stevenson

“My Shadow” is a perfect book to read as a springboard if your topic is on shadow.

Book Title: My Shadow

Author: Robert Louis Stevenson

Central Topic/Theme: Shadow


The little boy describes how his shadow looks like.

Questions to ask

  1. What is a “shadow”?
  2. How did the boy describe his shadow?
  3. Do you have a shadow all the time? When do you see your shadow?
  4. If you were a shadow, who do you want to follow?
  5. If you were to name your shadow, what would you name it?

Extension activities

  • Catch a Shadow. Bring the children outside. Let them play “Catch a Shadow” whereby they are to chase their friends and step on one’s shadow.
  • Drawing with a projector. Place a thing or an object in front of a projector. Let the children trace the shadow of the object on a piece of paper.
  • Shadow Play. Using a white cloth and a light, let the children’s imagination run wild by creating stories using shadows behind the white cloth.

"We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give." -Winston Churchill